
بالصور والفيديو .. والد المفقود صالح حمد يتحدث لأول مرة عن تفاصيل فقدان نجله

لم تكد مأساة عائلة السلطان جراء وفاة ابنهم تامر، الضحية الأحدث لكابوس الهجرة الذي أصبح متمرساً في القضاء على أبناء غزة المهاجرين، تهدأ حتى أفاق القطاع يوم الثلاثاء الماضي على فاجعة أخرى لا تقل مأساويةً وغموض إذ قطع الاتصال بأحد أبناء غزة المهاجرين (صالح حمد) في البوسنة والهرسك وسط روايات متضاربة حول حيثيات الفقدان.   

متنقلاً بين لهفته للرد على اتصال جاءه عبر المحمول مع أحد أصدقاء صالح في الخارج وبين مذياع صغير تجتمع عليه العائلة على أمل أن تسمع خبر قد يطفئ نار اللوعة المتقدة في قلوبهم جراء فقدان الاتصال بابنهم في الغربة، يجلس والد صالح مكتوف الأيدي في صحن بيته الواقع في منطقة بيت حانون شمال قطاع غزة.

 بعيونه التي افترشتها الحمرة من شدة البكاء على فلذة كبده والتي سكنتها الحيرة جراء ما حدث لصالح (22 عاماً)، يسرد كمال حمد (45 عاماً) والد المفقود صالح لمراسلة “الجديد الفلسطيني” ملابسات فقدان صالح خاصةً وأنه كان قد غادر القطاع مع العائلة (باستثناء الوالد والابن الأصغر) في أكتوبر الماضي فيقول “”فقدنا الاتصال بصالح يوم الثلاثاء الماضي الساعة العاشرة صباحاً”.

خارطة طريق الموت

ويتحدث حول خارطة طريق صالح وكيف وصل إلى نهر دارينا (الذي تتحدث الروايات عن احتمال غرقه هناك) قائلاً “قرر صالح برفقة العائلة مغادرة القطاع بعد الأوضاع الاقتصادية السيئة التي أضحى يعاني منها كل فرد في قطاع غزة خروجاً من معبر رفح البري ومنه إلى مصر ومنها إلى تركيا حيث بقى هناك لمدة أسبوع بينما أكملت العائلة المهاجرة والتي تتكون من عشرة أفراد (ثمانية منهم قد غادروا معاً عدا الوالد المتواجد حالياً في غزة) طريقها إلى اليونان على أمل أن يلحق بهم صالح وقد وصلوا إلى جزيرة “ساموس” وبعدها تمكن صالح من اللحاق بهم ولكن إلى أثينا مباشرةً في اليونان وليس إلى الجزيرة التي تتواجد فيها أسرته حيث مخيم اللجوء هناك”.

“مكث صالح هناك شهرين من الزمن في انتظار أن تنهي عائلته المتواجدة في مخيم اللجوء إجراءات المكوث هناك في الجزيرة وحين لم تتمكن العائلة من استكمال إجراءاتها لأن كل من إخوة صالح (ضياء وبيسان) لم يحصلوا بعد على تصريح إقامة، قرر صالح حينها وبسبب هذا التأخير التحرك نحو بلجيكا وهو الأمر الذي رفضته في البداية ولكن مع تصميم صالح خضعت لرغبته ووافقت”، وفقاً لحديثه.  

خرج صالح من اليونان وصولاً إلى نهر دارينا (الفاصل بين البوسنة والهرسك) يوم الثلاثاء الماضي حيث فُقد مع مجموعة شبان من غزة ومعهم شاب سوري الجنسية وعائلة يمنية حين قرروا قطع النهر بين البوسنة والهرسك إذ باغتهم تيار، بشكل مفاجئ وجرفهم وهم في طريقهم للحصول على قارب من أجل العائلة اليمنية وكان صالح هو أول من اكتشف وجود التيار بل وحذر منه.

يقول حمد “النتيجة أنهم جميعاً فقدوا لكن الشبان الذين كانوا معه وجدوا في حالة صحية سيئة بعدما أفاقوا من حالة فقدان الوعي التي أصابتهم لكن ابني لم يعثروا عليه في النهر وحينها أخبروا الإسعاف بأن هناك شخص مفقود وحين لم يجدوا له أثر قاموا بإبلاغ الشرطة والحكومة والسفارة حيث لا جديد حتى الآن”.

ويضيف “نحن نعيش على أمل أن الجثة غير موجودة مما يبعد خيار الغرق أتمنى أن يكون ابني حياً في أحد المناطق والغابات”.

يذكر أن هناك تواصل من طرف العائلة مع الحكومة البوسنية والصربية بالإضافة إلى تواصل عبر الجاليات الفلسطينية في الخارج في أن يتم تكثيف البحث بجهد أكبر من أجل العثور على صالح ابن غزة أو معرفة مصيره على أقل تقدير.  

وحول الأسباب التي دفعت هذه العائلة من بيت حانون للهجرة يقول حمد “سبب الهجرة هو الوضع الاقتصادي المزري الذي نعيشه هنا في غزة فأولادي تخرجوا من الجامعات ولكنهم بقوا بلا عمل وأنا موظف 2005 ولم يتبق من راتبي سوى 100 شيقل الأمر الذي قادني مؤخراً إلى التفكير والتساؤل إلى متى سيبقى الوضع على هذا الحال! فكانت الهجرة خيارنا الوحيد”.

ويكمل “ولذلك وفي ظل عدم تمكني من الوفاء بالتزامات عائلتي اليومية قررنا الهجرة أملاً في مستقبل وحياة أفضل فقمت ببيع بيتي لأستطيع توفير تكاليف السفر والهجرة عبر التهريب حيث كنت أدفع 3 آلاف دولار في كل مرة يتنقل فيها أفراد عائلتي من مكان إلى مكان وأنا حالياً أقيم لدى بيت أهلي”، وفقاً لحديثه.


يذكر أن الوالد أيضاً ينتظر إجراءات السفر لينضم هو الآخر لعائلته التي تتواجد حالياً في مخيم اللجوء في جزيرة “ساموس”.

بين مطرقة البعد وسنديان فقدان الولد

هذا ويعيش الوالد حالياً تشتتاً مرهقاُ في التفكير وحالة نفسية صعبة حيث أسرته التي تمكث في وضع سيء في مخيم اللجوء وبين قلبه المنفطر على ابنه صالح والذي لا يعلم عن مصيره شيء ويقول “أنا على تواصل لحظي ويومي مع زوجتي وهي بدورها على تواصل مع الشاب الغزي الذي كان يتواجد مع صالح عندما غرق في نهر اليونان والذي لم يترك المكان من وقت الحادث حتى الآن أملاً وبحثاُ عن صديق دربه.


ويشكو حمد الحال الذي آل إليه نتيجة ما حدث بالقول: “زوجتي وأولادي حالياً في مأوى لجوء بعدما تم استقبالهم من قبل فرق الغفر اليونانية بمجرد نزولهم ووصولهم إلى اليونان حيث تم التحقيق معهم على مدار ليلتين داخل السجن ومن ثم تم أخذهم إلى أقرب جزيرة وصلوا لها وأخدوا معلومات وافية عنهم في جزيرة “ساموس” بالإضافة إلى أنه تم تقييدهم في المكان إلى حين بدأ إجراءات التقيد بالمكان وصولاً إلى أن يصبح وجودهم شرعي”.

ويؤكد “بأن هذه الجزيرة من أسوأ الجزر من ناحية الأوضاع الاقتصادية حيث يعيش كل خمس أشخاص في كامب (مخيم) تبلغ مساحته 2 متر طولاً وعرضاً فأسرتي تعيش في مساحة لا تتعدى الثلاثة أمتار ويعانوا من مشاكل في الطعام حيث أن الطعام هناك يحوي أشياء غير حلال فلا يأكلوا سوى اللبن والعصير والماء”.

يقول “حدث لزوجتي تسمم في الأكل قبل فترة بسيطة ومكثت 3 أيام في المستشفى نتيجة الإصابة بهذا التسمم الغذائي”.

ويضيف بحسرة “رغم ذلك همي الآن هو صالح ومعرفة مصيره كي أرتاح ويرتاح تفكيري فأنا منذ خبر انقطاع الاتصال معه لا آكل ولا أنام”.  

يذكر أن صالح قد أنهى دراسة صيانة الكمبيوتر من وكالة الغوث في غزة وعمل بعدها في مجال الاتصالات ومن ثم في مخبز وكان قد خضع لأكثر من عملية في عينه بسبب مشكلة في القرنية أدت إلى استئصالها وهو في سن السابعة.

ويتوجه حمد إلى الرئيس عباس ودولة رئيس الوزراء محمد شتيه ووزارة الخارجية الفلسطينية في مناشدة إنسانية مفادها “تكثيف التواصل مع الحكومة الصربية والبوسنية من أجل معرفة مصير الشاب صالح”.

ويحمل حمد الانقسام المسؤولية عما تعاني عائلات قطاع غزة من أحوال اقتصادية خانقة الأمر الذي دفعهم للتفكير بالهجرة.

إذاً هو حال أهالي قطاع غزة حيث لم تعد الهجرة حلاً فردياُ لمأساة بل أضحت حلاً جماعياً إذ غادرت وما تزال عائلات بأكملها هرباً من جحيم الحياة في غزة وبحثاُ عن حياة أفضل ولكن الأفضل ليس مضموناً بعد المخاطر التي أصبحت تشوب هذه الهجرة والتي قتلت الكثير من الشبان الغزيين إما غرقاً في قوارب الموت أو موتاً في ظروف غامضة، فإلى متى؟

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  24. This is amazing, you’ve done an incredible job this time! Your effort and dedication shine through in every aspect of this piece. I couldn’t help but express my appreciation for bringing such outstanding content with us. Your talent and dedication are truly admirable. Keep up the outstanding work! 🌟👏👍

  25. Oh my goodness, you’ve really outdone yourself this time! Your effort and creativity are truly commendable of this content. I couldn’t help but express my appreciation for sharing such awesome work with us. You are incredibly talented and dedicated. Keep up the awesome work! 🌟👏👍

  26. Oh my goodness, you’ve knocked it out of the park this time! Your commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of this content. I couldn’t resist expressing my gratitude for bringing such awesome work with us. You are incredibly talented and dedicated. Keep up the incredible work! 🌟👏👍

  27. Wow, you’ve really outdone yourself this time! Your effort and dedication shine through in every aspect of this piece. I couldn’t help but express my appreciation for sharing such amazing content with us. You are exceptionally talented and dedicated. Keep up the amazing work! 🌟👏👍

  28. Oh my goodness, you’ve truly surpassed expectations this time! Your effort and creativity are truly commendable of this content. I felt compelled to express my thanks for creating such amazing content with us. You are exceptionally talented and dedicated. Keep up the fantastic work! 🌟👏👍

  29. This is amazing, you’ve knocked it out of the park this time! Your commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of this work. I felt compelled to express my thanks for creating such outstanding work with us. Your talent and dedication are truly admirable. Keep up the fantastic work! 🌟👏👍

  30. Wow, you’ve done an incredible job this time! Your hard work and creativity are truly inspiring of this work. I couldn’t resist expressing my gratitude for sharing such fantastic content with us. Your talent and dedication are truly exceptional. Keep up the outstanding work! 🌟👏👍

  31. This is amazing, you’ve really outdone yourself this time! Your dedication and creativity are truly admirable of this piece. I just had to take a moment to express my gratitude for producing such amazing content with us. Your dedication and talent are truly remarkable. Keep up the outstanding work! 🌟👏

  32. Absolutely fantastic, you’ve knocked it out of the park this time! Your hard work and creativity are truly inspiring of this piece. I couldn’t resist expressing my gratitude for sharing such outstanding content with us. Your dedication and talent are truly remarkable. Keep up the fantastic work! 🌟👏

  33. Wow! I recently read your post and I’m blown away. Your analysis on this topic is extremely valuable. I’ve gained a new perspective and can’t wait to see your next post. Thanks for sharing!

  34. Wow! I recently read your post and I’m absolutely amazed. Your perspective on this subject is extremely valuable. I’ve gained a new perspective and can’t wait to see what you write next. Thanks for sharing!

  35. Wow! I recently read your blog post and I’m thoroughly impressed. Your insight on the topic is extremely valuable. I’ve gained a new perspective and am eager to see what you write next. Thanks for sharing!

  36. Fantastic! I recently read your article and I’m absolutely amazed. Your insight on this subject is spot-on. I’ve learned so much and am eager to read more. Keep up the great work!

  37. Incredible! I just read your blog post and I’m absolutely amazed. Your perspective on this topic is incredibly insightful. I’ve gained a new perspective and can’t wait to see what you write next. Thanks for sharing!

  38. Wow! I just read your article and I’m absolutely amazed. Your insight on the topic is incredibly insightful. I’ve gained a new perspective and can’t wait to see your next post. Your work is inspiring!

  39. Incredible! I just read your post and I’m absolutely amazed. Your insight on the topic is incredibly insightful. I’ve gained a new perspective and can’t wait to see your next post. Thanks for sharing!

  40. Amazing! I just finished reading your post and I’m thoroughly impressed. Your analysis on the topic is incredibly insightful. I’ve learned so much and can’t wait to see your next post. Your work is inspiring!

  41. Incredible! I just finished reading your blog post and I’m blown away. Your perspective on this subject is spot-on. I’ve learned so much and can’t wait to see what you write next. Thanks for sharing!

  42. Fantastic! I just finished reading your blog post and I’m absolutely amazed. Your insight on this subject is extremely valuable. I’ve learned so much and can’t wait to see your next post. Thanks for sharing!

  43. I have not checked in here for a while since I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are great quality so I guess I will add you back to my everyday bloglist. You deserve it my friend 🙂

  44. I highly advise stay away from this platform. The experience I had with it has been purely disappointment along with concerns regarding deceptive behavior. Proceed with extreme caution, or even better, find a trustworthy site to fulfill your requirements.

  45. I strongly recommend stay away from this site. The experience I had with it has been purely disappointment as well as suspicion of deceptive behavior. Proceed with extreme caution, or even better, seek out a more reputable site for your needs.

  46. I strongly recommend to avoid this platform. My own encounter with it has been only dismay as well as suspicion of scamming practices. Be extremely cautious, or better yet, seek out an honest platform for your needs.

  47. I strongly recommend stay away from this platform. My own encounter with it was nothing but dismay as well as doubts about deceptive behavior. Be extremely cautious, or better yet, find an honest site to meet your needs.

  48. I urge you steer clear of this platform. The experience I had with it was purely disappointment along with doubts about fraudulent activities. Be extremely cautious, or alternatively, find a trustworthy site for your needs.

  49. I must voice my gratitude for your kind-heartedness in support of those people who really need guidance on this field. Your very own commitment to passing the solution all around has been exceptionally effective and have enabled guys and women just like me to realize their goals. The valuable suggestions signifies much a person like me and even more to my office colleagues. Best wishes; from everyone of us.

  50. I strongly recommend steer clear of this site. The experience I had with it has been purely disappointment and doubts about deceptive behavior. Proceed with extreme caution, or better yet, find a more reputable platform to meet your needs.

  51. I urge you to avoid this site. My personal experience with it has been only disappointment along with concerns regarding deceptive behavior. Proceed with extreme caution, or even better, seek out a trustworthy site to fulfill your requirements.

  52. I urge you steer clear of this site. My own encounter with it has been nothing but disappointment and concerns regarding fraudulent activities. Exercise extreme caution, or even better, look for an honest site to fulfill your requirements.

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  54. I highly advise steer clear of this site. My personal experience with it was purely dismay and concerns regarding fraudulent activities. Be extremely cautious, or better yet, find a trustworthy service to meet your needs.

  55. I urge you steer clear of this platform. My own encounter with it has been only dismay along with concerns regarding scamming practices. Exercise extreme caution, or even better, find an honest site for your needs.

  56. I strongly recommend stay away from this site. My personal experience with it was only disappointment as well as suspicion of scamming practices. Be extremely cautious, or better yet, find an honest platform for your needs.

  57. I urge you to avoid this platform. The experience I had with it has been nothing but dismay and doubts about fraudulent activities. Exercise extreme caution, or alternatively, seek out an honest site for your needs.I strongly recommend to avoid this platform. My own encounter with it was purely dismay as well as doubts about deceptive behavior. Proceed with extreme caution, or alternatively, look for a more reputable platform for your needs.

  58. I strongly recommend to avoid this platform. My personal experience with it has been purely dismay as well as concerns regarding fraudulent activities. Be extremely cautious, or better yet, seek out a trustworthy site to fulfill your requirements.

  59. I strongly recommend to avoid this platform. My own encounter with it has been nothing but disappointment and concerns regarding deceptive behavior. Exercise extreme caution, or better yet, look for an honest platform to meet your needs.

  60. I highly advise stay away from this platform. The experience I had with it was nothing but dismay and concerns regarding deceptive behavior. Be extremely cautious, or alternatively, look for an honest service to fulfill your requirements.

  61. I strongly recommend stay away from this site. My personal experience with it has been purely frustration as well as doubts about deceptive behavior. Proceed with extreme caution, or alternatively, look for a trustworthy site for your needs.

  62. I highly advise steer clear of this site. My personal experience with it has been purely disappointment as well as concerns regarding deceptive behavior. Be extremely cautious, or better yet, find a more reputable service for your needs.

  63. I highly advise to avoid this platform. My personal experience with it was only disappointment and concerns regarding scamming practices. Exercise extreme caution, or even better, find an honest service for your needs.

  64. I highly advise to avoid this platform. My own encounter with it has been nothing but frustration as well as doubts about fraudulent activities. Proceed with extreme caution, or better yet, seek out an honest platform to meet your needs.

  65. I strongly recommend stay away from this platform. My own encounter with it has been only frustration along with concerns regarding fraudulent activities. Exercise extreme caution, or alternatively, find an honest service to meet your needs.

  66. I highly advise stay away from this site. My personal experience with it was nothing but dismay and doubts about fraudulent activities. Exercise extreme caution, or even better, seek out a more reputable site to fulfill your requirements.

  67. I highly advise stay away from this site. My own encounter with it was purely dismay as well as concerns regarding fraudulent activities. Be extremely cautious, or even better, look for an honest platform to fulfill your requirements.

  68. I strongly recommend to avoid this platform. My own encounter with it has been nothing but frustration and suspicion of deceptive behavior. Be extremely cautious, or better yet, seek out a trustworthy service to meet your needs.

  69. I highly advise steer clear of this platform. The experience I had with it has been nothing but dismay as well as concerns regarding deceptive behavior. Exercise extreme caution, or alternatively, find a trustworthy service to fulfill your requirements.

  70. I strongly recommend steer clear of this platform. My personal experience with it was nothing but dismay and doubts about deceptive behavior. Exercise extreme caution, or even better, seek out an honest site to fulfill your requirements.

  71. I strongly recommend stay away from this site. The experience I had with it was only dismay along with concerns regarding deceptive behavior. Proceed with extreme caution, or even better, find a more reputable site for your needs.

  72. I urge you steer clear of this platform. My own encounter with it was purely frustration along with suspicion of deceptive behavior. Proceed with extreme caution, or alternatively, seek out a more reputable platform for your needs.

  73. Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it seems as though you relied on the video to make your point. You obviously know what youre talking about, why throw away your intelligence on just posting videos to your blog when you could be giving us something enlightening to read?

  74. I urge you steer clear of this platform. The experience I had with it has been nothing but frustration and suspicion of scamming practices. Be extremely cautious, or better yet, find a more reputable site for your needs.

  75. I highly advise steer clear of this site. The experience I had with it was purely frustration as well as doubts about fraudulent activities. Proceed with extreme caution, or even better, look for a more reputable service to fulfill your requirements.

  76. I highly advise to avoid this site. The experience I had with it has been purely disappointment and suspicion of fraudulent activities. Proceed with extreme caution, or better yet, look for an honest platform for your needs.

  77. I strongly recommend to avoid this platform. The experience I had with it has been only frustration along with suspicion of fraudulent activities. Be extremely cautious, or better yet, find an honest platform to meet your needs.

  78. I highly advise stay away from this site. My own encounter with it was purely disappointment as well as doubts about fraudulent activities. Be extremely cautious, or alternatively, look for a more reputable platform for your needs.

  79. I urge you steer clear of this platform. My own encounter with it was nothing but frustration as well as doubts about deceptive behavior. Exercise extreme caution, or even better, seek out a trustworthy service for your needs.

  80. I urge you steer clear of this site. My personal experience with it has been nothing but frustration and suspicion of deceptive behavior. Be extremely cautious, or better yet, find a more reputable service to meet your needs.

  81. I urge you steer clear of this site. The experience I had with it has been purely disappointment along with doubts about fraudulent activities. Exercise extreme caution, or alternatively, find a trustworthy service to fulfill your requirements.

  82. I urge you steer clear of this platform. The experience I had with it was purely dismay along with suspicion of scamming practices. Proceed with extreme caution, or better yet, find a trustworthy platform for your needs.

  83. I highly advise to avoid this platform. My personal experience with it has been nothing but frustration as well as doubts about deceptive behavior. Be extremely cautious, or better yet, seek out a more reputable service for your needs.

  84. I strongly recommend to avoid this platform. My personal experience with it was only disappointment and doubts about deceptive behavior. Exercise extreme caution, or better yet, look for a trustworthy site to fulfill your requirements.

  85. I highly advise stay away from this site. The experience I had with it has been only frustration and concerns regarding fraudulent activities. Be extremely cautious, or alternatively, look for an honest service for your needs.

  86. I strongly recommend steer clear of this platform. The experience I had with it was only frustration along with doubts about deceptive behavior. Be extremely cautious, or alternatively, look for a trustworthy site to fulfill your requirements.

  87. I highly advise steer clear of this platform. The experience I had with it has been purely disappointment and concerns regarding fraudulent activities. Proceed with extreme caution, or better yet, seek out an honest platform to fulfill your requirements.

  88. I urge you stay away from this site. My personal experience with it was only dismay along with concerns regarding deceptive behavior. Exercise extreme caution, or alternatively, look for a trustworthy service to meet your needs.

  89. I strongly recommend stay away from this platform. My own encounter with it has been purely frustration and suspicion of scamming practices. Exercise extreme caution, or alternatively, seek out an honest service to fulfill your requirements.

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