
توزيع 10 آلاف مساعدة من المؤسسات الخيرية للأسر المتعففة بغزة اليوم

أعلن رئيس تجمع المؤسسات الخيرية في قطاع غزة أحمد الكرد، عن الشروع، اليوم الخميس، بتوزيع مساعدات على الأسر المتعففة والمحتاجة، لتمكينها من تأمين احتياجاتها الغذائية ومستلزمات شهر رمضان الكريم.
وقال الكرد، إن التجمع سيشرع اليوم الخميس بتوزيع مساعدات تشمل قرابة 10 آلاف أسرة متعففة في قطاع غزة، جزء منها طرود غذائية، وجزء ثانٍ قسائم شرائية، وجزء ثالث مساعدات مالية، مشيرا الى ان قيمة كل مساعدة تبلغ 30 دولارا.
وأضاف أن التجمع يسعى بالتنسيق مع الجمعيات والمؤسسات الأخرى بغزة إلى تقديم 100 ألف مساعدة للأسر المتعففة قبل انتهاء شهر رمضان.
وأشار الكرد إلى أن جائحة “كورونا” المستشرية في العالم أعاقت على المتبرعين تقديم مساعدتهم للتجمع في الوقت الحالي، معرباً عن أمله أن يتمكنوا من إيصال مساعداتهم لغزة في أقرب وقت “حيث إن أوضاع الناس المعيشية صعبة جداً في ظل الحصار الإسرائيلي المتواصل منذ 13 عاما”.

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    Leggi tutte le news Gli Internazionali d’Italia inizieranno domenica 8 maggio e termineranno domenica 15 maggio. Come ogni anno si disputeranno sia il torneo maschile che quello femminile. Le teste di serie entreranno in campo non prima di martedì 10 maggio. Forfait di Osaka. “Scusa, Roma” —   Naomi Osaka non scenderà in campo agli Internazionali. La giapponese ex numero 1 al mondo ha annunciato poco fa il forfeit, e sarà rimpiazzata dalla lucky loser Nuria Parrizas. “Purtroppo devo ritirarmi – ha detto – per colpa di un infortunio che ho rimediato la settimana scorsa a Madrid e non è ancora guarito. È un problema al tendine di Achille e e devo fare molta attenzione, soprattutto alla vigilia del Roland Garros. Amo questa città e mi spiace non poter giocare davanti a questo pubblico speciale, ma non vedo l’ora di tornare il prossimo anno”

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    Britain’s biggest EuroMillions winner so far remains the lucky person who claimed £195million in July last year. After winning the fortune, the player opted not to go public. Before that, the UK record was held by Joe and Jess Thwaite – a couple from Gloucestershire who pocketed £184m in May 2022. EuroMillions is a classic lottery. It has been available in Switzerland since 2 October 2004. Besides Switzerland, it is also played in the founding countries the UK, France and Spain as well as in Portugal, Ireland, Belgium, Austria and Luxembourg. On Tuesday and Friday, 5 winning numbers from 1 to 50 and two stars from 1 to 12 are drawn. The object of EuroMillions is to correctly pick as many winning numbers as possible. The more numbers and stars you pick correctly, the higher your winnings. If you choose all the correct numbers and stars in one pick, you win the jackpot.

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  16. The author did not have positions in Bitcoin at the time of publication. The editor owned Bitcoin at the time of publication. Litecoin, buy or sell? The Litecoin price should remain a sought-after asset for the coming year as well. Despite the downsizes and high volatility, many experts suggest investing in LTC. Litecoin potential is high in the future. It offers more benefits to its users than Bitcoin: more safety, including faster processing speeds, and lower transaction costs. LTC is constantly being improved by tech terms, which makes it even more attractive to new investors in the future. With Bitcoin’s market cap at its highest level since May – 47.4%, according to CoinMarketCap filings – prominent traders have warned that now is not the time to focus on the multi-altcoin portfolio.
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  19. A group of garrulous teens sneak out a wooded island after dark and discover mysterious phenomena in a cave. What’s the worst that can happen? Well… Oxenfree’s brand of slow-building dread and X-Files-eque creepiness are the ideal “scary game” for those who aren’t into more hardcore horror. Best played in a single (lengthy) setting, Oxenfree is worth a second playthrough (or at least a trip to YouTube) to see alternate endings, as things can end quite differently, for better and for worse. Bonus: no game before (or since) has nailed the flow of natural conversation better than Oxenfree, all the more reason I’m looking forward to Night School Studio’s next title, Afterparty. – JR Though all the other games on this list can be terrifying and will have you shaking in your boots, Amnesia is at the absolute top of our picks for the scariest of scary games, with only Fatal Frame as its main competition. In this game, not only are you completely weaponless, you are defenseless as well. The monsters will get you in one hit and there is nothing you can do against them but run for your life.
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  32. Back to the slot denominations and table games. So given the numbers, what games should you consider playing to potentially get the biggest bang for your buck? This Asian-themed slot contains a 5×3 slot matrix with notable bonus features that make it stand out from the sea of machines. Matching the custom Drum Symbols allows players to choose one of five different modes: 3×5, 4×5 and 6×5, along with two free games. This game also features an exciting paytable that summarizes all game information, rules, bonuses, and other important information on one convenient dashboard on-screen. A notable bonus feature called Fur Babies allows players to choose prizes hidden behind 15 coins, which unlocks one out of five progressive jackpots. Lobstermania 2 is not a newbie on best slot lists. This game has a 5×4 layout and offers 40 pay lines. It was designed and developed by gaming giant IGT. You may be lucky to get three different bonus rounds while playing Lobstermania 2. With a chance to win up to $500,000, this game has an RTP of 94.14%.
    NetEnt, or Net Entertainment, is universally recognized as one of the most innovative online slots, table games, scratch cards, live dealer games and other iGaming digital solutions manufacturers. Its diverse slots portfolio boasts over 200 releases designed to deliver the ultimate spinning experience. It’s very possible that you have played a NetEnt slot game before, such as NetEnt’s Guns N’ Roses, Aloha Cluster, or Jimi Hendrix slots. In fact, NetEnt slots are so common in both live and online casino settings that they’re nearly impossible to avoid. It’s very possible that you have played a NetEnt slot game before, such as NetEnt’s Guns N’ Roses, Aloha Cluster, or Jimi Hendrix slots. In fact, NetEnt slots are so common in both live and online casino settings that they’re nearly impossible to avoid.

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    The Indian Premier League or IPL is one of the most popular cricket tournaments in the country. It is a match participated by cricket players from different parts of the world. The match is in the T20 format, and to take part on the event, you need to find an app that offers IPL betting. Fortunately, there are plenty of cricket betting apps that offer IPL betting. Our cricket betting experts have listed down the best IPL betting apps. They are the following: The interface of the Dafabet app is very user-friendly. Anyone who is used to Dafabet’s website will find that the Dafabet app has a similar layout, making it very straightforward to switch between the two, no matter the device used to place bets. Some top live casino games and an imposing suite of world-class online betting games are also available for Indians who choose the Dafabet app over the other options out there right now. It is considered safe because Dafabet is fully licensed and regulated in various jurisdictions.

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    Even if you’re not planning to visit the Spin lounge, ARIA is still a great place to play slots. They have penny and dollar slots, as well as plenty of the standard high-return machines that frequent gamblers love. The casino is refreshingly smoke-free, thanks to its air purification system. The entire casino has been retrofitted to be as sustainable as possible. Even slot machines have been given an eco-friendly purpose as displacement ventilation systems. Did you know there are over 42,000 slot machines in Las Vegas casinos? This translates to about 60% of Las Vegas casinos’ revenue, proving that the biggest winnings in casinos come from slot machines. It’s one of the biggest functioning slot machines in Las Vegas, and it’s right inside the door at Golden Nugget. Playing this machine isn’t just fun because you’re winning–it’s so large and eye-catching, it often attracts a crowd. The machine’s roughly eight feet tall and has four reels. In Vegas, it’s either go big or go home, and Golden Nugget’s giant slot machine is a great way to go big.

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